Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Leadership Philosophy free essay sample

How I see my leadership philosophy evolving All leadership philosophies evolve over time. Whether it’s from positive or negative experiences a change is inevitable. The purpose of this paper is to explain how my leadership philosophy has evolved from a direct to an organizational-level leader. I will briefly discuss a few areas to support my argument and which I have personally seen growth within myself. My salient points are organizational leadership and focus, self and situational awareness and adaptability. Organizational leadership and focus in my opinion are the key elements to a successful cohesive unit. Leaders develop programs, systems and plans. This has been the easiest trait to identify change as now I’m responsible for implementing the above and making recommendations that will affect battalions under my oversight. It is important to provide focus and a clear intent to aid in execution. As an organizational-level leader, this will/may include providing purpose to a staff to allow them to maintain a pulse of the organization and enable them to understand what is happening higher and to subordinate units. The quote begins with, â€Å"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude†.As leaders we should always have a strong personality, people should know that we are the leaders, that we can make the decisions. However, a strong personality can come off as rude in some instances; we have to find ways of communicating with others using strong character, without using rude inferences or gestures. The quote then goes on to say â€Å"be kind, but not weak; be bold but not bully†. We have to be kind to people and sympathize with them, they should be able to come and talk to us about anything or any problem they might have.However, we must be strong at the same time, any hint of weakness and people begin to doubt our ability to lead them. We have to be bold in our actions not indecisive and unsure; when everyone is doubtful we should be the one that knows what to do. People have to know that you mean business, but we can’t bully and boss people around. After awhile people begin to resent being bullied and then begin to doubt our ability to lead them. Jim then goes on to say â€Å"Be thoughtful, but not lazy†, now I had to think about this for awhile, and then I figured out that they go hand in hand.We can’t be lazy we have to be proactive, which goes right with being thoughtful at all times. We have to consistently express gratitude, always be thinking of who to thank, who helped out, and who maybe not be feeling well. The next part of the quote is probably my favorite; it goes on to say â€Å"be humble, but not timid†. One of the biggest parts of leadership is being humble, not talking about your accomplishments but the accomplishments of others. When everyone is thanking you and telling you how good of a job you did.Turn right around and tell them how good of a job they did and thank them. This will not only build up the confidence of others, but the confidence within you too. We can’t be timid though, being humble doesn’t mean we have to be quiet, it doesn’t mean we should just sit back not say anything. Rather the opposite we should be the ones they hear, the ones that thank them and let them know how much they are appreciated. Lastly the quote states; â€Å"be proud, but not arrogant†, we have to be proud of our accomplishments; however we cannot be boastful and arrogant.Nothing positive comes from being arrogant it always brings a negative reaction. Being proud also comes with being humble, a lot of times pride simply comes off as arrogance; I believe it is best to keep your pride on the inside. The finale part of the quote says; â€Å"have humor, but without folly†, humor relieves the soul; however it can be taken negatively when directed the wrong way. As leader we have humor, we have to lighten things at some time, but we cannot do that at the expense of others.We also cannot have humor at the wrong time, when the moment is wrong it could be devastating the situation. Jim Rohn states my philosophy of leadership perfectly with his quote. I plan to take this and use this on Troy’s campus, in class or within campus groups, displaying these leadership skills will be useful. In the future when I get a job and a family these skills will be a necessity and I will use this quote as my inspiration to become a better leader.

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